2023 Summit Registration

Registration for the 2023 Advocate Leadership Summit is $350.

The registration fee includes:

  • Three days of outstanding programming;
  • Summit materials;
  • Breakfasts, lunches and refreshments at breaks;
  • Breakfast, lunch and transportation on Lobby Day.

** The registration fee does NOT include hotel lodging. 

Participants must make their own hotel arrangements. Please visit the Hotel section for more information on room rates, reservations, and accommodation options.

Summit Registration

Register and pay directly here.

Summit Fundraising

Fundraise to cover the cost of attending the 2023 Advocate Leadership Summit by becoming a Summit Champion! You can fundraise for yourself, a friend, or for the NBCC Summit itself.

Just follow the simple steps below:

  • Quickly and easily set up a personal fundraising page
  • Send the link to family, friends, co-workers, or anyone who might support you.
  • Your supporters can click on the link you give them and donate online with a credit card directly to NBCC, or can send a check to NBCC.
  • You will be able to see donations and watch your total go up!
  • NBCC will track your personal page daily to see how much money you’ve raised, and notify you when you are able to register.


$350    = Advocate Leadership Summit Registration

$866    = Advocate Leadership Summit Registration and 3 nights in a shared hotel room

$1,037 = Advocate Leadership Summit Registration and 4 nights in a shared hotel room

$1,381 = Advocate Leadership Summit Registration and 3 nights in a private hotel room

$1,725 = Advocate Leadership Summit Registration and 4 nights in a private hotel room

For helpful tips on how to get started, check out our Fundraising Guide!

Bring a Leader, Get a Discount!

If you bring a new attendee,* both you and the new attendee will receive $50 off your $350 Summit admission fee, for a final cost of $300 each.

*New attendees are classified as those advocate leaders who have NOT attended a Leadership Summit since 2013. Anyone who attended the NBCC conference in 2012 or before, qualifies for the discount.

Participants with Disabilities or Special Needs

If you have a disability or special need that may affect your participation at the Advocate Leadership Summit, please contact Skye Wilson at 202-973-4658 or swilson@stopbreastcancer.org either prior to the meeting or on site, to discuss your requirements.

Consent to Use Images

By registering for the Leadership Summit, you consent to the use by NBCC of any photograph or video in which you appear, including for promotional purposes, in print, digital, or other format, without notice or compensation to you.


Contact NBCC at leadershipsummit@stopbreastcancer.org