
Research Collaborations

For the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC), ensuring quality research means working consistently, year after year, to ensure adequate federal appropriations for high-quality, peer-reviewed research.

In addition, NBCC is committed to making sure those hard-won research funds are well-spent and that relevant research in the private sector addresses the needs of breast cancer patients. NBCC accomplishes this by demanding advocate representation on all relevant review committees and panels and through collaborations with the scientific community.

NBCC works to increase the effectiveness of breast cancer research in several ways:

  • Clinical Trials Initiative: NBCC works with scientists and industry leaders to design, conduct and oversee specific clinical trials in order to increase the quality, number and participation in clinical trials.
  • Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (DOD BCRP): NBCC spearheaded the funding of the DOD BCRP, which involves breast cancer advocates in every stage of the decision-making process and promotes innovative models of research.
  • Artemis Project®: A research project initiated in 2010, the Artemis Project is an advocate-led, innovative, mission-driven approach of strategic summits, catalytic workshops, research action plans and collaborative research efforts of various stakeholders focused on two areas: (1) Primary Prevention: How do we stop people from getting breast cancer? and (2) Prevention of Metastasis: How do we stop people from dying of breast cancer?

With these scientific-community collaborations, NBCC works to develop new research models, conduct research, design protocols, set research priorities and conduct research aimed at ending breast cancer.

Research Analysis

As a grassroots organization, NBCC recognizes the importance of an empowered public and providing the public with evidence-based and patient-centered information on important breast cancer issues and research. This has been a key focus for NBCC since our founding.

NBCC Ensures That the Latest in Promising Research Reaches the Public.
NBCC Offers Informed, Educated and Unbiased Advocate Perspectives on the Latest Research Developments.
NBCC Publishes Science Spotlight

Research and Evidence: Meeting Our Standards

What Is the Scientific Method? Look at the Steps Needed to Produce Scientific Evidence.
What Is Considered Evidence? Work to Establish Scientific Consensus.

What Are the Different Types of Research Studies? Understand the Difference.

Comparative effectiveness research (CER)
Laboratory studies
Human studies
Systematic reviews

Why Is Research Important? Striving Toward Prevention, Treatments & Cures

What we know about breast cancer evolves over time, as more and more research is done asking the important questions about how it develops, how we might prevent it and which treatments are most effective for which patients.

We want breast cancer care—and all health care—to be based on the strongest evidence of what will work and what will be safe.

Research led to a dramatic change in how breast cancer is defined and now treated.
This finding dramatically changed how breast cancer is treated.