As you know, each year, the grassroots NBCC Board of Directors, with input from our members, sets our legislative and public policy priorities for the coming year. We are pleased to tell you about the priorities for 2020. They serve as the foundation of our legislative advocacy work throughout the year, and along with grassroots mobilization efforts, provide the context for the action alerts sent to our national action network. You can find NBCC’s 2020 Public Policy Priorities here.
The 2020 election will be the most consequential in decades. Important healthcare issues will be at the forefront of the national debate. At NBCC’s Advocate Leadership Summit May 2-4, you will hear from experts about the policy issues in the healthcare debate and learn about how to break through election-year noise, make progress on your policy issues, and how to implement Breast Cancer Caucus programs in your state. Stay for lobby day on May 5 to share your stories with your elected officials and advocate for NBCC’s priorities. Now is the time to lead, register here today.
There is one more year left in the 116th Congress. We need your help to get the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act across the finish line. Keeping the momentum going by adding new cosponsors is critical to our success. Because of the work of advocates like you, we currently have an impressive 135 cosponsors in the House and 16 cosponsors in the Senate. Please reach out to your members of Congress and urge them to cosponsor H.R. 2178/S. 1374 today. You can use this toolkit for all the information you need.
Are you an NBCC member interested in our public policy activities? If so, please join our new Facebook group: NBCC Policy Advocates. This is where we will share information about progress towards our public policy priorities, opportunities for taking action, and tips for being an impactful citizen activist.
It’s time to renew your membership for 2020. Join the tens of thousands like you who want an end to breast cancer. For just $35 a year, you can become an NBCC member and receive special benefits. For more information about being a member, visit the become a member page.