News & Alerts

Call to Action Online – July 7, 2023

July 7, 2023

NBCC Remembers Dr. Susan Love 

NBCC mourns the loss of Dr. Susan Love, who died on July 2 after a long struggle with leukemia. Susan was a founder of NBCC and a true advocate for patients.

Through the strength of her charisma, brilliance, and firm belief in women’s power, she helped unite activists, survivors, researchers, policymakers, and grassroots and national organizations to work together toward ending the disease for everyone.

2023 ASCO Highlights, Part 1

At the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting in early June, researchers presented updates to key cancer treatment clinical trials. In a series of Science Spotlights, NBCC will bring you the meeting highlights and break down what they mean for our mission to end breast cancer. Up first: our analysis of two clinical trials, NATALEE and SONIA, that involve CDK4/6 inhibitors.

Upcoming Webinar: Why SEER Matters

On Wednesday, July 19, join NBCC and experts from the National Institutes of Health for an exclusive webinar on Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) data. You must be a current NBCC member to attendupdate your membership here.

Register here.

Join Us for This Year’s Women With Balls! 

Join the National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund for its signature fundraising event Women With Balls® in NYC! Create or sponsor a team to participate on October 3. Your support helps further NBCC’s innovative research and breast cancer advocacy education and training programs.

Can’t be in NYC in October? Create a team to bowl anywhere, anytime in support of NBCC.

Save the Date for Les Girls Cabaret 

To purchase sponsorship packages, journal ads, and tickets, or for more information, contact Allison Jackson at 310.550.7719 or

Donate Today 

The National Breast Cancer Coalition’s mission is to end breast cancer. Every dollar raised is immediately put to work by furthering scientific research, providing collaborative workshops and symposia, and advancing advocacy training and public policy work in Washington, DC, and in state capitals across the country.

Every minute counts in our efforts to achieve our mission of ending breast cancer. Every dollar equates to more lives saved. Your gift is more than a contribution. It is an investment that will enable us to end breast cancer once and for all.