Urge Your Members of Congress to Cosponsor S. 1312/H.R. 3183 by Father’s Day
Let’s tell Congress this is urgent! We need them to pass the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act.
Too many fathers are impacted by breast cancer, losing their daughters and loved ones. In their honor, NBCC is organizing a grassroots campaign centered around Father’s Day to drive support for S. 1312/H.R. 3183, the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act. We have a goal of reaching 100 House cosponsors (we currently have 75) and 20 Senate cosponsors (we currently have 14) by Father’s Day.
This bill would waive the five-month waiting period for SSDI and twenty-four month waiting period for Medicare under current law. This legislation provides eligible individuals with metastatic breast cancer immediate access to those benefits.
The Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act is a top legislative priority for NBCC because there are too many women and men in this country who struggle to pay for their treatment and support their families while dealing with metastatic breast cancer.
Several NBCC advocate family members are creating videos sharing the impact of metastatic breast cancer on fathers and urging Congress to support the legislation. We are also working with our Congressional leaders to organize members of Congress to issue floor statements supporting the legislation in honor of Father’s Day. You can view the videos here. Share them and spread the word.
Help us get this bill across the finish line by taking action in the Action Center. Send a personalized message to your Members of Congress, urging them to cosponsor this legislation.
Help Make an Impact on Public Policy – Join NBCC’s Board of Directors
NBCC invites organizations to apply to serve on the Board of Directors for a three-year term beginning January 2022. The NBCC Board of Directors comprises up to 26 organizations representing national, state, regional, and local constituencies that bring diverse perspectives to NBCC’s public policy and legislative initiatives. Click here to see a list of current Board members.
Organizations interested in joining the NBCC Board of Directors must submit a completed application no later than Monday, August 2, 2021. To request an application packet, please email Michelle Wheeler, Senior Manager of the Executive Office at mwheeler@stopbreastcancer.org.
Join Us
NBCC increases federal funding for breast cancer research, monitors how research funds are spent, expands access to quality health care, and ensures that trained advocates influence all decisions affecting breast cancer. Join NBCC and thousands of others to keep breast cancer a priority for Congressional and state policymakers. Join our efforts today.