News & Alerts

Call to Action Online – November 16, 2021

November 16, 2021

5 Ways to Say Thank You to Members of Congress and Their Staff

During this season of Thanksgiving, you can nurture your relationships with your members of Congress by saying thank you. Thanking your elected officials is an essential step towards building a long-term relationship that you can call on time and time again.

  1. Give them a call. A phone call is a great way to show appreciation. You may talk to a staffer, but the message will still reach your legislator.
  2. Use your website. Express your thanks online in your organization’s newsletter, press release, or blog post. Share the link on social media and tag your Member of Congress. Not only is this a gesture of appreciation, but it may also lead to more visits to your site.
  3. Get it in their newsletter. After you share the post on your website, send it to the lawmaker’s press secretary with the suggestion that they run it in their newsletter. The office gets credit for cosponsoring important legislation, and you get the extra exposure.
  4. Make it Social. You can thank your members on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms by tagging them and using hashtags like #NBCConTheHill. Be creative! Post your thank you with a photo that makes it stand out.
  5. Tell them in person. Check with your district office if your elected official is taking meetings in person during the congressional recess. Set up an appointment in the district office so you can say thank you face-to-face. Take photos to share with your network.

Take Action to Support the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act

Breast Cancer Awareness month may be over, but our advocacy efforts remain strong. NBCC’s Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act (S. 1312/H.R. 3183) currently has 23 bipartisan Senate cosponsors and 166 bipartisan cosponsors in the House. The bill has strong momentum, but our work is not done. Head over to the Action Center and urge your Members of Congress to cosponsor the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act. You can send a personalized message to your Members to get them to cosponsor this lifesaving legislation with just a few clicks.

Upcoming Townhall Meetings Happening Near You

Attention Washington and California advocates: Representatives in your states will be holding upcoming town hall meetings. Townhall meetings are a great way to get your voice heard by your Members in the district. Whether virtual or in-person, townhalls offer an additional platform to get NBCC’s public policy priorities in front of legislators. The upcoming town hall meetings are listed below:


On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 10:30 am PST, Rep. Marylin Strickland (D-WA-10) will host a virtual townhall meeting. Get more information here.


On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 7:00 pm PST, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA-30) will host a virtual townhall meeting. Get more information here.

Join Us

NBCC increases federal funding for breast cancer research, monitors how research funds are spent, expands access to quality health care, and ensures that trained advocates influence all decisions affecting breast cancer. Join NBCC and thousands of others to keep breast cancer a priority for Congressional and state policymakers. Join our efforts today.