News & Alerts

GAO Issues Report on CDC Treatment Act

December 1, 2020

NBCC again thanks Senator Grassley for requesting the GAO report issued on November 30, on the implementation of the CDC Treatment Act (CDCTA), legislation championed by NBCC twenty years ago. As the report makes clear, the CDCTA continues to be a vital law that provides screening and treatment to underserved individuals. While the number of people who were screened overall decreased, the share of people screened who were racial and ethnic minorities increased from 53% in 2011 to 73% in 2018.​​ The report also  underscores the importance of the  ACA and Medicaid expansion which have been key to providing screening and treatment for low-income individuals, in conjunction with the CDCTA. It is important to note that in most states where there was no expansion of medicaid, treatment under the CDCTA increased.  NBCC remains committed to its advocacy for access to high-quality health care for all and will protect the CDCTA and ACA, which provide vital health care for individuals who would otherwise fall through the cracks. We will share a more detailed analysis of the GAO report soon. ​