Today, NBCC sent a statement to every congressional office urging them to commit to putting substance before symbol. The statement asserts that this month must be more than just telling constituents that they are committed to ending breast cancer, but rather about passing legislation that would move us forward to achieve that goal.
Thanks to your advocacy, we continue to add cosponsors to the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act, but there is still more to do. Currently, there are 176 Representatives cosponsoring H.R. 2178 and 22 Senators cosponsoring S. 1374. Help NBCC share our message with Congress by reaching out to your Members and asking them to cosponsor the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act today! Go to our new Action Center to reach out to your Members via email and social media. Tell them to provide needed health care access to those with metastatic breast cancer and commit to action this October.