President’s Council Donation

President’s Council
An important piece of our vital work.


The National Breast Cancer Coalition’s mission is to end breast cancer. Every dollar raised is immediately put to work funding scientific research, collaborative workshops and symposia, advocacy training, and public policy work in Washington DC and in state capitals across the country in support of our mission.

A gift of $1,000 or more entitles you to a membership in the President’s Council, an exclusive membership group with special benefits. Members receive regular communications directly from NBCC’s President on current breast cancer issues, recognition in publications, and invitations to special events.

Please let us count on you with a tax deductible contribution to the National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund. Your gift is more than a contribution. It is an investment that will enable us to end breast cancer, once and for all.

NBCC meets all 20 Better Business Bureau Charity Standards, has received an “A” rating from Charity Watch, is listed at the Gold Standard level for GuideStar, and is ranked three stars by Charity Navigator, so you can be assured your money is well spent.

Make A Donation

As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund states that no goods or services were received for your contribution. Your gift is deductible to the extent permitted by federal law.

If you are interested in learning more about other ways to make a lasting contribution, please contact our Development office at (202) 973-0569.