Stop the Clock!

Every 13 minutes, a woman dies of breast cancer.

Today, 110 women will die in the United States, and by year-end that number will reach nearly 42,000. Worldwide that number is nearly 627,000.  And each year, 520 men die of breast cancer in the United States.

These numbers represent our family members, friends, and loved ones. Isn’t it time to Stop the Clock once and for all?

Don’t wait another minute. Here are 5 ways to take action today!

  1. Join NBCC as a Member.  Join with thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations fighting to end breast cancer.
  2. Lend Your Voice. Learn how to contact your elected officials about today’s top issues. Simply enter your name and address and hit send.
  3. Make a Donation.  Support research, education, and training, and our mission to end breast cancer.
  4. Sign up for Our National Action Network. Learn more about timely policy issues and how to take action.
  5. Learn More About Issues Facing the Breast Cancer Community.  Visit our 2021 legislative and public policy priorities.

Every thirteen minutes, a woman dies of breast cancer.

Stop The Clock »