Between town halls, rallies, and campaign events, the 2022 midterm election candidates will be reaching out to communities and voters like you for your vote. These events offer fantastic opportunities to educate candidates about our platform and seek their support for the National Breast Cancer Coalition’s public policy platform moving forward. Read our platform below and download the PDF to share with candidates, asking them to sign on. If your candidate signs the platform let NBCC know by emailing us at
BREAST CANCER REMAINS AN EPIDEMIC. There are more than 3.8 million women and thousands of men living with breast cancer in the United States. In 2022, approximately 339,250 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in women, 287,850 invasive and 51,400 in situ and 2,710 new cases in men. In the United States alone, an estimated 43,250 women and 530 men will die. We still do not know what causes breast cancer, how to prevent it, or how to stop it from metastasizing or cure it once it does. Breast cancer is a political issue that remains an urgent health crisis.
The National Breast Cancer Coalition
The National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) is a powerful voice, speaking for women and men across the country, demanding an end to breast cancer through the power of action and advocacy. NBCC links hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of individuals into a dynamic, diverse coalition that gives breast cancer a meaningful voice in Washington, DC and state capitals, in laboratories and health care institutions, and in local communities everywhere.
Breast Cancer is a Political Issue
NBCC’s 2022 Public Policy Platform is summarized below. Candidates and public officials will be held accountable for how they vote and govern with regard to this Platform.
RESEARCH: The federal government must
ACCESS: Health care is a basic human right. The federal government must guarantee that all individuals have access to patient centered, evidence based, high quality and affordable health care and
INFLUENCE: The federal government must ensure that trained and educated advocates, who represent a constituency, and have been personally affected by the disease, have a seat at all tables where breast cancer research, health care and policy decisions are made and implemented.